Welcome to the Washington groups page. Here you will find both training groups and active covens. You can browse listings by clicking directly on the state listed below, or use the search bar to narrow down results by group name, type or tradition.
Disclaimer: Groups listed here are not vetted by Darksome Moon LLC and the legitimacy of those running the groups are not under our direct knowledge or control. Our purpose is to offer an online space that facilitates connection between groups and seekers. We advise all seekers to be cautious and careful whenever reaching out to those they have not met or do not know. Where possible, we will list Facebook groups or other sites/contacts that can be used to vet a listing.
To learn more about what one might expect from a legitimate group, take a look at our Seeker's Guide.

Initiatory Wicca
Hare and Hound Coven - Mohsian Tradition (BTW)
Group Details
Group Name: Hare and Hound Coven
Location: Kent, Washington (WA)
Tradition/Spirtual Path: Mohsian Tradition (BTW)
Contact Info
Contact: Daniel
Email: RobinsGateOC@gmail.com
Group Description:
Hare and Hound Coven is a coven of the Mohsian Tradition, located in Kent, WA, USA. It offers an Outer Court called Robin's Gate as a teaching arm for the coven which provides both pre-initiatory training for the coven, but also for seekers seeking a more structured environment to learn about Wicca and witchcraft. The classes run for a year, are held once or twice monthly, and are open to adults 18 years of age and older.

Sacred Isle Coven - Mohsian Tradition (BTW)
Group Details
Group Name: Sacred Isle Coven
Location: Pierce County, Washington (WA)
Tradition/Spirtual Path: Mohsian Tradition (BTW)
Contact Info
Contact: Madrone
Email: dianhathaway57@gmail.com
Group Description:
We are a Mohsian Elder Coven that is starting again after a long hiatus, and accepting inquiries from sincere seekers. We are in the Pierce County, WA area.

People of the Woods - British Traditional Wicca (BTW)
Group Details
Group Name: People of the Woods
Location: Spokane, Washington (WA)
Tradition/Spirtual Path: British Traditional Wicca
Contact Info
Email: oldways@oldways.org
Group Description:
The People of the Woods is a traditional initiatory Wicca coven serving the Spokane, WA, USA area.
Chicago lineage, Gardnerian-based.
Contact: Greybeard
Email: www.oldways.org