Spirtual & Life Coach
Welcome to the Pagan Services Directory! Here you find listings of services such as travel, photographers, pagan wedding services and more!
Disclaimer: Darksome Moon does not endorse any particular service provider and the providers listed here do not necessarily endorse Darksome Moon. Any service provider may ask to be removed from the Directory at any time.

Phoenix and Peacock Intuitive Services & Handmade Products
Website: Phoenix and Peacock
Service Description:
I am an intuitive and my style is 100% Organic • No bullshit • No Sugarcoating : ). I also hand craft custom dragons that pertain to the customer. I also sell handmade sage fans with cruelty-free feathers.

Scarlet Moon Creations
Website: Scarlet Moon Creations
Service Description:
Tarot and Oracle card readings. As well as custom ritual bath soaks, body and facial scrubs, ritual incense, ritual oils, body oils based on thise intuitive readings.
Practitioner: Lashette Williams

Good Vibrations Energy Studio
Website: Good Vibrations Energy Studio
Service Description:
Reiki, Flower Essences, other types of energy work, and meditation supplies.
Contact Email: GoodVibrationsEnergyStudio@gmail.com

Despoina Arcadia - Pagan Life Coach
Website: Despoina Arcadia - Pagan Life Coach
Service Description:
Despoina offers support in the uptake and maintenance of Pagan rituals throughout daily life. During life transitions, the soul may tire and dim. With gentle spiritual guidance & the use of white Magick, she works to reconnect you to the divine.
Practitioner: Despoina
Contact Email: despoina@despoina.org

Lady Falcon - Ordained Priestess
Website: Priestess of Sacred Hollow
Service Description:
Merry Meet! My name is Lady Falcon, Priestess of the Goddess and the God. I found the Craft early in life, and have been a practicing Witch for 21 years, and counting. I walk the path of my ancestors with great pride, and reverence. I find deep joy in helping others in our Pagan community whether it be through Guiding, Teaching, Healing or Ministering.
I was called by the Goddess and the God to take my spirituality further by becoming an ordained Priestess. I am legally empowered to perform Handfastings/Weddings and Funeral Rites. I can conduct Rites of Passage, Child Blessings, Energy Work, as well as any other alternative ceremonies for our community.
My mission is to provide resources and a sense of community that wasn't otherwise available for those of like-mind in our area of western North Carolina in these ancient Appalachian mountains. My hope is to educate and promote the truth concerning our spirituality for those who may not fully understand it. I teach workshops, classes, and on a one-on-one basis on a variety of metaphysical topics, and hold public gatherings, as well.
I craft sacred and metaphysical gifts, which can be found on my etsy shop at www.priestessacredhollow.etsy.com. My vision is to create a flourishing and abundant space for those who follow an earth-based or alternative spirituality.
Brightest of All Blessings,
Lady Falcon
Priestess of the Goddess and the God
Location: North Carolina

Lady Raven Pendragon - Ordained Priestess
Email: kitcunningham@yahoo.com
Service Description:
Practicing witch of MANY years. I have a doctorate in Ancient Religions and I am also an accomplished artist. I hope I can be of service. Facebook kitcunningham. Blessed BE.
Phone: 239-218-0911
Location: Central Florida
Practitioner: Lady Raven Pendragon

Misfit Mystics - Certified Spiritual Life Coach
Website: Misfit Mystics
Service Description:
Spiritual mentorship is a valuable service for all who seek growth and progress on their path of choice. Spirituality is an, often overlooked, important aspect of wellbeing. Those of us with a thriving sense of spirituality tend to have a greater sense of purpose. We can handle adverse events with fortitude and look at life with a sense of awe and optimism.
Progression can be overwhelming, regardless. I will help you identify your personal challenges and spiritual blockages while guiding you to a deeper understanding of what spirituality looks like to you. You determine what you desire from mentorship and I will support you by developing a plan to connect to your inherent power and ability to overcome your shadow work.
Together, we can creae a system or practice that has the sustenance for you to continue progressing in your spirituality. Using techniques that include, but aren't limited to: journaling, meditation, guided mindfulness and cognitive restructuring, tarot and more. There will be assignments along with sessions in order to gain clarity and better process your shadows as well as your light.
For more information about this service, see here.
Practitioner: Chelsea

Excelsior Events, Inc. - Wedding Officiant and Events Planner
Website: Excelsior Events, Inc.
Service Description:
A NYC-based event services professional that offers unique solutions to your modern event needs.
Hi, I am Lashette Williams, a certified Minister, who is a licensed Officiant with the City of New York. While my specialties are secular, pagan and/or multicultural wedding ceremonies I am willing and able to work with you to give you the ceremony that you desire. As a non-denominational Minister, I am able to perform weddings, funerals, baby namings as well as many other life cycle events of a religious, nonreligious or inter-religious nature. I welcome all races, genders, religions, spiritualities, ethnicities, nationalities and cultures without prejudice and with respect.
My goal is to give you the ceremony that would make you happiest. With this goal and an open mind, no ceremony I create is the same. All are tailored with you and your moment in mind from the initial consultation to the ceremony itself; from my time of arrival to my outfit. My services start at basic elopement ceremonies which includes unlimited email correspondence, a short, general ceremony, an email copy for you, the ceremony taking place within NYC, and the signing and mailing of your marriage license. We can discuss add-ons at any time.
Please contact me for my license registration number, if you have any questions or if you would like to set up a consultation.
Location: New York
Practitioner: Lashette Williams