New Jersey
Welcome to the New Jersey groups page. Here you will find both training groups and active covens. You can browse listings by clicking directly on the state listed below, or use the search bar to narrow down results by group name, type or tradition.
Disclaimer: Groups listed here are not vetted by Darksome Moon LLC and the legitimacy of those running the groups are not under our direct knowledge or control. Our purpose is to offer an online space that facilitates connection between groups and seekers. We advise all seekers to be cautious and careful whenever reaching out to those they have not met or do not know. Where possible, we will list Facebook groups or other sites/contacts that can be used to vet a listing.
To learn more about what one might expect from a legitimate group, take a look at our Seeker's Guide.

Initiatory Wicca
Amethyst Fire - Gardnerian
Group Details
Group Name: Amethyst Fire
Location: Willingboro, NJ
Tradition/Spirtual Path: Gardnerian
Contact Info
Contact Name: Gypsy
Group Description:
Amethyst Fire is an Outer Court training group open to seekers of Traditional Gardnerian Craft. We are located in Southern NJ and will be meeting once a month to celebrate the Sabbats and Full Moons, as well as for training. Please email if interested: AmethystFirecoven@gmail.com

Anahata Wiccan Grove - Gardnerian
Group Details
Group Name: Anahata Wiccan Grove
Location: Jersey City, NJ
Tradition/Spirtual Path: Gardnerian
Contact Info
Contact Name: Deborah
Email: deborah@deborahlipp.com
Group Description:
We are a Wiccan training/study/ritual group affiliated with a Gardnerian coven. Meaning, you would be joining a Pagan/Outer Court kind of group that could lead to Gardnerian initiation. (Or not -- this is a journey we take together.)
We are inclusive and diverse. Our high priestess & high priest are an LGBTQI+ couple, and we welcome a full spectrum of gender expression.
We are well-known within the Gardnerian community and are happy to provide our bona fides.

Hawthorn Tor - Gardnerian
Group Details
Group Name: Hawthorn Tor
Location: Marlton, NJ
Tradition/Spirtual Path: Gardnerian
Contact Info
Contact Name: Emyrs
Group Description:
Hawthorn Tor is a Gardnerian coven of the Whitecroft line. We are an inclusive coven open to all seekers age 21 and older. We have a particular focus on supporting parents who are seeking BTW training and practice but need to balance it with raising a family.

Sacred Sunstone - Gardnerian
Group Details
Group Name: Sacred Sunstone Coven
Location: Gloucester, New Jersey (NJ)
Tradition/Spirtual Path: Gardnerian Wicca
Contact Info
Contact: Rhea Sunstone
Alternate Email (Outer Court): outergatewaygrove@gmail.com
Group Description:
Our coven follows the traditions passed down through our lineage. We worship the Lord and Lady through ritual at full moons. We celebrate eight Sabbats a year, honoring the changing of the seasons, and change within ourselves.
Sacred Sunstone is an initatory coven, which means all members need to be initiated into the Gardnerian Tradition in order to circle in our Inner Court. We offer Outer Court rituals for those who do not wish to be initiated into the Gardnerian Line. Our mission is to embrace Wicca throughout our area, and bring confidence through knowledge to seekers of the Craft.
Sacred Sunstone is a daughter coven of Sacred Crossroads in Wayne, PA. If you have an interest in learning more about our coven, please contact us at: sacredsunstonecoven@gmail.com.

Songs of the Woode - Celtic Traditionalist Gwyddonaid
Group Details
Group Name: Songs of the Woode
Location: Northern New Jersey (NJ) based
Tradition/Spirtual Path: Celtic Traditionalist Gwyddonaid (Initiatory Wicca)
Contact Info
Contact Name: Artos and Luna
Email: jaeperry93@gmail.com
Group Description:
The Celtic Traditionalist Gwyddonaid (CTG) is a tradition which stems from the hereditary family lore of Lady Gwen (Gwynne) Thompson (1928 - 1986) and subsequent research and writings of Edmund M. Buczynski (Lord Gwydion) (1947-1989), founder of the Brooklyn Heights Coven with Lady Vivienne. The Celtic Traditionalist Gwyddonaid is based upon two textual sources. The first source is the Book of Shadows and other teachings of the New York Welsh Traditionalist Gwyddonaid (NYWTG or "Welsh Tradition"), as founded by Lord Gwydion. The second source is the Book of Shadows and other teachings of the Welsh Rite Traditionalist Gwyddonaid (WRTG), as founded by Lord Gwion.
Our coven is about self-transformation through a relationship with nature following the cycles of the Moon and honoring the Goddess and God at the Sabbats. We celebrate our connection to the Gods and nature with teachings of the Celtic Traditional Gwyddonaid and lessons of nature lore. Most of all, initiates become part of our coven family. Practicing in an enviornment of love and trust is very important to us. Our mythological pantheon is derived from Celtic and Welsh folklore.
Songs of the Woode Coven has an active Outer Court which is open to sincere seekers. We do not discriminate based on race, sexual orientation, or gender identity. You must be at least 18 years of age to apply.

Grove of the Other Gods (ADF)
Group Details
Group Name: Grove of the Other Gods
Location: New Brunswick, New Jersey (NJ)
Tradition/Spirtual Path: Druidry
Contact Info
Email: othergods.nj@gmail.com
Website: www.othergods.org
Group Description:
Grove of the the Other Gods, ADF serves Druids and like-minded Pagans in the greater New York metropolitan area. We've held celebrations and rituals in New Brunswick, Jersey City, Manhattan, Morristown, and the Jersey Shore. We've also been involved in rituals and workshops at various Pagan festivals. We've been around sine Samhain 1990, when we performed our first ritual - in Liberty State Park under the skirts of the Goddess of Liberty Enlightening the World, as Green Man Grove - and we're members of Ár nDraiocht Féin (ADF), which is Gaelic for "Our Own Druidry." We are a group of experienced Pagans who believe that the best way to approach the Goddesses and Gods of an earth-centered religion is through practice and dedication and scholarship and fun.
Àr nDraiocht Féin is an international NeoPagan organization whose worship centers on Indo-European pantheons. The study program is based on guilds that are devoted to specific areas of interest. They have a clergy training, a magazine, and groves throughout North America and Europe. ADF is recognized as a non-profit religious organization, and they are also an honorary member of the British Council of Druids. To learn more about ADF, check out their website at www.adf.org.
For more information, see here.