Welcome to the Pagan Podcasts Directory! Here you find listings of pagan podcasts, readings, poetry and other audio media.
Disclaimer: Darksome Moon does not endorse any particular service provider and the providers listed here do not necessarily endorse Darksome Moon. Any service provider may ask to be removed from the Directory at any time.

Service Description:
Seeking Witchcraft is a podcast aimed for beginner witches that are just starting out and who want to get involved and learn more about Witchcraft and/or Wicca. All episodes are hosted by Ashley, a Gardnerian Witch living on the East Coast. Episodes are roughly 30 minutes or less in order to give the most clear and concise information about various topics within this area without the need to search for hours for answers. This podcast features occasional hosts, such as noteable Pagan authors, Wiccan High Priests and Priestesses, and other knowledgeable Witches. Seeking Witchcraft can be heard wherever podcasts play, such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, or Anchor.
Website: anchor.fm/seekingwitchcraft