Welcome to the Minnesota groups page. Here you will find both training groups and active covens. You can browse listings by clicking directly on the state listed below, or use the search bar to narrow down results by group name, type or tradition.
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Initiatory Wicca
Moonshadow Coven - Gardnerian
Group Details
Group Name: Moonshadow Coven
Location: Medina, a suburb of the Twin Cities, Minnesota (MN)
Tradition/Spirtual Path: Traditional Gardnerian Wica
Contact Info
Contact: Alethea
Email: aletheablack@hotmail.com
Group Description:
Moonshadow is a traditional Gardenarian coven located in Medina, a far western suburb of the Twin Cities. The origins of Moonshadow extend back to the 80’s but the current HPS & HP has been leading the coven together for the past decade.
Worship of the Goddess and the God is the central focus of Moonshadow. The craft is a Religion. Seekers will be guided to participate and worship within the Gardenarian framework. Our focus is on individual training rather than a large group or classroom settings.
The craft is a lifelong process that promotes personal change and development. It involves experiences as well as study. Through experience, study and discussion we will grow together spiritually and personally as we discover our place in divine creation.
We welcome you as we have been welcomed into the arms of the Goddess.
If you are interested in the Gardnerian path, please contact me at AletheaBlack@hotmail.com.
Alethea & Blackthorn
HPS & HP of Moonshadow