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Initiatory Wicca
Circulus Serpentem Ignis - Gardnerian
Group Details
Group Name: Circulus Serpentem Ignis
Location: Springfield, Massachussetts (MA)
Tradition/Spirtual Path: Gardnerian Wicca
Contact Info
Contact: Harmony
Email: harmony123246@hotmail.com
Group Description:
Circulus Serpentem Ignis (CSI) is a traditional Gardnerian coven located near Springfield, Massachusetts (close to the Connecticut border). We are an actively practicing, properly lineaged coven of the Gardnerian Tradition which is currently accepting students. We descend from Lady Olwen and the Long Island Line of Gardnerian Craft within the US. Please see our website for more information:
Our coven places a strong emphasis on Perfect Love and Perfect Trust, and we cultivate our relationships between members by spending time with one another inside and outside of the Circle. We host social events and meet regularly in person or digitally for mundane activities as well as magical practice and studies. We are happy to add like-minded people to our family.
CSI runs both an Inner and Outer Court, which meets 1-2 times per month. Being a student requires self-discipline and one needs to be able to prioritize monthly meetings/gatherings, as well as complete some at-home reading, research and assignments. Our studes are designed to be challenging but not overwhelming.
Inquiries can be made through the "contact us" form at: https://gardnerian-wicca.org/contact-us/
Website: https://gardnerian-wicca.org/